The data for this graph comes from Ontario's Ministry of Municipal Affairs, specifically their 2015 Municipal Information Returns. The outline for the map is from Ontario's Open Data Catalogue.
For this choropleth map upper tiered municipal governments were amalgamated with their lower tiered counterparts. For example the total expenditure of the Regional Municipality of Durham, for 2015, $1,095,344,964 was added with its lower municipal affiliates; Ajax, Brock, Clarington, Oshawa, Pickering, Scugog, Uxbridge, and Whitby. This gave a total expenditure for the area of $1,681,991,250.
For 2015 the total municipal expenditure was $41,613,236,549. The total population of these areas in 2015 was 13,551,471; meaning that the mean spending per person by a municipality is approximately $3071.
Toronto spent approx. $3830 per person in 2015.