First day above freezing in a month, 2^C. Not fully sunny, but o.k. sun for winter. Many cars in Prospect Cemetery this Sunday.
6 or more cardinals jumping between trees.Crows photography well in the winter.Doves enjoying the warm weather.Downy Woodpecker, a winter staple.Nice to see a hairy woodpecker, slightly less common than a downy.Hairy Woodpecker.Juncos hanging around someone's bird feeder.Several nuthatch high up in the trees.Glad to see a red-bellied, not very common.Red-bellied woodpecker.Red-bellied woodpeckerNot sure if mating yet, but saw 3 red-tailed, probably fighting for territory during the nice weather.Red-Tail HawkRed-Tail HawkRed-Tail Hawk