Walked along Unwin, Tommy Thompson Park and Leslie St. The weather is above seasonal, staying in the double digits all day. Some years, early November we would have snow.
The Lower Don River is being significantly redeveloped, much construction. I had a 20 minute walk through this, and the construction workers are barely aware of pedestrians.Cherry street remains quiet this time of year.The Island Airport is near, here a Porter Airline's Bombardier Dash 8 aircraft is landing.People do wind surfing on Lake Ontario, in the protected harbour.Someone lost a large windsurfing kite.Few birds in the winter, the cardinal can be heard with its distinctive peep sound..The chickadees are feasting on the sumac.A male cardinal playing peek-a-boo.This is the time of year my attention starts to shift to water foul, a red-breasted merganser.The on coming winter, brings out the long-tailed ducks. Because of the airport, you do end up spotting many planes. This is a Cessna Skyhawk. Unlike identifying birds, these have tail numbers that can be looked up on the Internet.A reliable bird to spot in the winter, a downy woodpecker.Evidence of recent beaver action.These are late season beasts, they completely freeze get frozen over winter before emerging as a moth.A movie shoot is going on. A truck is going to load up on gravel. A cyclist is on the bike path. The three common items on Leslie St.Though abundant, and invasive, starlings do strike a distinctive look.