Walked through Downsview Park. Warm today 12^C or higher in the sun.
I felt that there were lots of juncos around.There was a flock of killdeer hanging around a gravel parking lot.Some trees did stand out, along with the sumac.As most trees were losing their foliage, this purple thistle was putting on a show.A good display of colour at Downsview Park. Facing west toward the Humber Valley.Along with the purple thistles, the asters were in bloom.The only thing this time of year that is blooming at Downsview is the purple crownvetchO, and the Jerusalem Artichokes are also in bloom.Downsview is very close to Pearson Airport, every minute a plane flies overhead.When you start looking, the Downy Woodpecker seems to be a staple of this part of the world.The goldfinch seems to be the other staple.Got to see a Cooper's Hawk. This is a natural place for raptures, with lots of hills and thickets.Nothing exotic at the large pond, but many gulls.Ravens to capture the stark October. You can tell it's a raven by the geometry of the tail.Stratocumulus clouds? It was a darkish day with a light rain.Heading back to Downsview Subway station.Never put your camera away. Got a picture of a mocking bird as I got close to the subway station.Of course hanging around the subway station were Canada Geese.