Walked around the top portion of Oxtongue L., the Beetle Lake trail. The trail has been closed, not maintained. Had to ford a small river at the mid-point to get all the way around in a loop.
So many peopl come for the long weekend that there is no stopping, other traffic restrictions.Walked around the top porton of Oxtongue L. and a route that would have touched Beetle Lake.Oxtongue Lake facing south from Hwy. 60.Oxtongue Lake facing north from Hwy. 60.Colour was at its peak.It's a hard climb up to the top of the Beetle Lake trail overlooking Oxtongue Lake.Got a good view of the lake from the high slopes.The far hill really gave us colour.A boat house on the lake.Do a good hike up, for the view.Lots of tasty winter green.Couldn't get a good picture, but saw or heard many ruffed grouse.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail sign for beetle lake.A trail was mostly abandoned, we had to constantly figure out wheer it was..We had to cross a river, 3ft deep, as the bridge was out, one of the reasons the trail was closed.Walked through a small quary.Many birch trees, helping to give so much colour in the autumn.We found a small quary, this Shadow Darner was enjoy the sun and warmth from the rocks and opening in the canopy.Fungi Fomes.Fungi Bracket.Fungi Trichaptum.Fungi Pine Jelly.Fungi Puffball.Fungi Earthball.Around Oxtongue is a hardwood forest.