Large number of people were in High Park taking in the colours. It's been warm for the last couple of weeks, being in the teens ^C, and hitting 20^C in the sun. But the weather is expected to turn at the end of the week. This has slowed down the migration of birds, as they are waiting for the winds to change, and temp to drop. The trees didn't put on a full show, it needs to get cold for the bright reds, have to film tree by tree to get a good autumn shot.I never did like the garbage cans in High Park, stick out too much when taking a pictures. We should have some scenic ones for the city, especially when in a nice location.Must be migration for the Hermit Thrush, I've had one in the backyard, and now see three in High Park. Getting ready to fly south and amassing by the lake.Lots of mallards.This looks like an 18th century English painting. Still a few turtles, sunning themselves. Warm for late October, hit almost 20^C or more today.This is my favourite picture of the season. A male wood duck. the colours behind him are real, a reflection of the shore foliage in Grenadier Pond.It was far away, but I did get a picture of the northern shoveler.Herons like the far side of Grenadier Pond, this time I saw a Great Blue Heron.A ruddy duck far off in the distance.A pair of mute swans trying to keep warm.A red-winged blackbird that is still hanging around.A Blue Jay with a peanut, must have found a feeder somewhere near the houses along Parkside Dr.A pack of Canada Geese.As I was making my way to Hawk I saw a Cooper's Hawk fly overhead, and managed to get a few shots, just squeezed the shutter on the camera and hoped for the best. This was the only raptor I saw, the nice weather, for the last week, meant that the raptors were not migrating today. Heard a downy woodpecker working away.American Goldfinch enjoying the warm sun atop a tree, near Hawk Hill.Hawk Hill gets fairly warm, here is an orange sulphur enjoying the last of Toronto's warm weather.The oaks do give a nice showing of colour in the autumn.This yellow-rumped warbler was hard to spot, hiding fairly well in the foliage and branches. I wonder when he'll fly across Lake Ontario.The treat of the day was the coyote. He came out to have a drink of water from the puddle. At first I thought it was a lose dog, but didn't see an owner. Though the park was filled with people taking pictures, this spot near Parkside Dr. was less busy.This Eastern Phoebe was out over the water catching insects.A pair of Hooded Mergansers enjoying Lower Duck Pond in High Park. They spend their time diving.